Sunday 30 September 2012

What ever happened to 'small' 'medium' and large'?

I am currently in Starbucks awaiting a train to hook to record some Hammond organ for a punk band. It's interesting coming up with parts for these tunes; I don't really know the sound or the music, as always, I'll have to rely on what I already know - God help me.

In the class this week we talk about branding and logos/photos. It's interesting to see the different colour/ composition choices of a bands photo I think what I'm going for is quite an informal 'playful' look. That's how I see my music at the moment. Maybe it's because playing in my band is just too much fun to be too serious. Even web we did a photo shoot it ended up getting all strange because we couldn't take it seriously enough.

I guess I'll show you the photo I come up with when I have it. In the meantime, here is a photo that demonstrates the relationship I have with my band quite well I think....

Thursday 27 September 2012


Good evening - In engaging audiences this week we were talking about photos; it's interesting how much/little a bands photo show what their music is like.

I don't really know much about photography or fashion for that matter, perhaps I should invest some time into these things. 

In the meantime - here's what to check out. Great tune by the one and only Loose Tubes. Fantastic.

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Weddings are fun, I'm going to one on saturday. At a lovely church in central London called St Helens, it's also the church I go to week by week. I have been asked to play piano for the service so am trying to get together a luvvy-duvvy repertoire - It's a good thing I play jazz!

Here's one of my favourite ballads, played by the one and only Bill Evans, he plays it in A too:

Friday 21 September 2012

Tricky follow up

Today I had a gig at Christchurch, Mayfair. Playing background jazz for a dinner/event going on. It's a really nice walk by green park to get there. There's a lovely set of trees and in this autumn-like weather its almost romantic. in the meantime, here is a picture of an angry cat holding a machine gun.

Thursday 20 September 2012

My first blog

This is my first blog - the main focus of these will my engaging audience classes at Trinity this year. I hope to learn a lot about promo stuff including how to become more part of a scene, what sort of things to look out for as a working musician, and generally the working life of a jazzer.

In other news, here's an awesome video of Bud Powell playing a rhythm changes.

Pretty amazing isn't it.